Tuesday, November 11, 2008


The location of the forum has been set. We will meet in the little theater at the junior high school. This be on Monday, November 17 at 6:30 pm. We will try to conduct it similar to a town hall meeting. DO NOT BE APATHETIC ABOUT YOUR CHILD'S EDUCATION!!!! SHOW UP! The school board and your administrators will be there to hear your voice. They want to hear from you. It will also be a place to listen. To listen to why we are trying this new way of math. To hear the data from those who decided to take us in this direction and hear a couple of teachers explain how they are teaching it. I will also be speaking as an opponent. (That, I am sure, is no big surprise to most of you.) However, we need to hear from you. You are the MOST IMPORTANT piece to the puzzle.
The school board meeting was last night. I was only given 5 minutes to present my argument to our school board members. (I did run a little long). The teachers presenting were given unlimited time to present their argument to our board. However, the forum will be my venue to present our full argument to the board. Let them hear from all of us that day...we will have all the time we need to speak and be heard. To those of you who came to support our position, thank you! Look forward to seeing you all at our Forum.

(FYI: For those of you who have asked the question...I did call the administration office approximately one week ahead of time and asked to be put on the agenda for the school board meeting. I was told at that time I would be able to make public comment. I did not realize I would only have five minutes to plead our case at that time. It was only when I got up to talk that I was told I had five minutes.)